Winter In Santa Barbara Break

Over the break my grandparents got here the first day so i had to be with them it was a nice time, we went shopping my granny got me so much stuff i was just so OVERWHELMED goly gosh so did my mommy. We went to the valley with them we celebrated Christmas. Then they left and i went crazy because i hated being contained in my house sooo….. i had a new years party and it just went all uphill when they left.

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Rise Over Me

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Free Hand


I did this for a guy in my class.  Hes a music artist “Joe Lutrel” I wanted to make it look simple but artsy. I picked the peace sign because I love the way it looks and it means a million things.. This would be like the perfect sticker. I free handed this on illustrator. It was hard because its not like painting a picture its a mouse drawing lines so if you stop it looks weird so you have to keep going. This will be made unto a sticker.

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The Art Of Music

I did these pieces in adobe illustrator. I listen to the music the first one reminded me of Chinese architecture (The Red One) I attempted to do mountains and circles from the suns reflection. The grayish black one reminded me of jazz if you look closely theirs a face and some circles from the sun hitting it. This was very fun and i recommend it if you see this try it.


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I took a normal picture of a really pretty model. I used illustrator to make this picture that’s displayed above this. I used the pencil tool and metallic pen tool to out line its a lot of free hand drawing so if you have a bumpy had i recommend not doing this. This dose not look hard but it took a lot of time and effort perfecting things. I wasn’t really happy with the hair but I liked it enough to keep it.



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This picture is for the color project. I don’t know about anyone else but I love this picture. The contrast between the colors. Its like perfectly balanced out. I also fixed up this photo it used to be ripped and tattered and crinkled. I’m very proud of my photo. Its very elegant and amazing looking. At first I thought this looked like an ugly troll but then i looked at for a second time and i was like wow this is a master piece. I epically the bow tie its so dandy.

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Add Yourself


This photo is a old picture I found. I added myself to the middle photo i kind of look weird. ( I don’t actually look like that its a really bad picture)… I basically just took an old photo took a picture of me went on photo shop cropped my face out of the picture of me into a circle. Then I put pasted it on to the other picture and put it on the other girls face. Erased around the edges and that’s how I did it.

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Old to New

The Bottom picture is a picture i found it looks like its been sitting in someones basement with a coffee stain on it and crinkled. I took and fixed it up on photoshop witch is the top one. I used the clone tool to get rid of the rips. I gave the clothes more color. I also brightened  it so it would look more modern. Then i sent it to my Iphone and used an app that effects the picture.

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Queen Elizabeth


I was going threw picture and i found this one… I think shes being crowned or something and i think its cool. So I used it.  All I did was change the color a little. Also i put a tattoo on her arm and a blue tooth in her ear. All I did for the blue tooth ear piece is cut it out in a circle placed it on her ear. Took the eraser tool zoomed in and erased around the area. I did the same for the tattoo.

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If You Look To Far Ahead Of You All You See Is A Blur


Yesterday I was in class and are teacher let us go outside to take pictures of anything. We have these long row of lockers outside and I thought it would look cool if I took a picture down it. I love this picture because it focus in on the numbers and then blurs out the rest of the way down. I was very happy with my picture because I took it with my I phone 4 and realized what a good camera I had.

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